Taiko Chandler

Installations / Contested Void (2022)

By combining Monotype prints on Tyvek and heat-manipulated fabric, I created the final form on site, over several days. The contrast captures conflicting my own cultural values (East and West) in constant negotiated tension. The translucence of the fabric evokes ambiguity and optimism, accumulating a suspended mass that is both structured and formless; while the more tangible black Tyvek, climbing from the floor, evokes a strong primal energy. I created the final form on site as a process of navigation, iterating between the two materials that both contrast and complement each other.

Site-respond installation, created with Monotype on Tyvek, heat manipulated organza, wire, thread, T-pins, paper fasteners, installed on site.

"Indelible Garden" at Denver Botanic Garden in December 2021- April 2022.
Photo: Scott Dressel-Martin (Image 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5)